Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can my ipod be saved?

Last week I was caught in a storm and my ipod touch got a little wet under the screen. It still played songs and the touch screen responded so I thought I got off lucky. The battery was low anyway and while I let it dry out the battery died. I couldn't see if there was any water left under the screen so I tried charging it. It was on charge for about an hour and responding well then it died. I guess there may have been water in the ipod still. I put the ipod back into a box of rice and left it for 4days. I tried plugging it back into the charger this morning and after 10mins itunes opened and my laptop recognised the ipod there. However my ipod is still dead (just a black screen) and although itunes can recognise its there it cant connect to the ipod. Do you think it will come back if I leave it on charge or do you think when I charged it initially I messed up the battery or hardware? I guess I'm just wondering if anyone knows whether its likely to be salvaged or if its ipod funeral time? Also I'm not great with technology, if its likely to be a battery issue are those things able to be replaced?

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